Flow, also known as being ‘in the zone’, is a complete absorption in our work. In flow everything we would normally consider concrete fades away. In the short film ‘Flowstate’, two independent freelancers meet up in person for the first time to collaborate on an article that has the potential to launch their careers. The only catch is their deadline is in less than 24 hours! As the pair works through the night to meet their deadline, strange things happen. The more they get into flow state, the farther they get from reality. In the early morning they send off the important piece they worked all night to produce and then head to the roof. All of the metaphors converge as the two knock it out of the park. They party till the sun comes up, because when you’re in flow, work is a party.

Cast - Alexandra Ballesteros & Juan Vergara, Director & Producer - Sabine Spare, Director of Photography - Aldo Sotelo, First AD - David Sanchez, Editing & Colour Correction - David Sanchez, Song - Bunker Buster Theme by Bunker Buster